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Inauguration Ceremony of Hilton Windhoek
Publish Time:2011-05-26     Reading Times:     Fonts:【Large Medium Small

Inauguration Ceremony of Hilton Windhoek

Hilton Hotel is located in Windhoek, capital of Namibia close to the Church, the Zoo Park and National musuem. Nearby attractions include the National Gallery of Namibia and Independence Stadium.

Hilton eventual actual contract amounts to N$193,570,071.76 ( 150,000,000 Chinese yuan) and was completed on May 26, 2011. Wasserfall Munting Architects is a famous local architect firm that was contracted to work with New Era Investment(Pty)Ltd. The Hilton Hotel is the only five-star hotel now in Namibia.

For more detailed project information, click on the WMA website at: for the inauguration ceremony of the Hilton Hotel.

The photos are showing the moments of Hotel Opening Ceremony:

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